This might have all been avoided if this over confident congresswoman would have accepted the security offered by local sheriff's police but she said NO! This even after she had been threateaned for weeks before the terrible murdering rampage of this demented man. Letters he wrote to her have been found and he had been making calls to her office and yet she refused security and this naive foolishness on her part left the door wide open for any deranged person to get close to her. She paid a very high price she didn't deserve for one man's insanity and so did all who ventured near her that terrible day...

NO ONE has the right to try to kill another person. This young man had been deemed mentally ill years earlier, and had been taken out of school five times for his insane behavior by police, yet all he got was a slap on the wrists and was sent home. He was a bomb ready to go off and apparently NO ONE gave a dam even though many of his fellow students were afraid of him, and one brave teacher tried and tried to forwarn someone he was a NUT! The shrine in his backyard of Hitlers, and other Communist parapenalia should have triggered his own parents attention WHAT ABOUT his parents? NO one has mentioned them at all except to say they tried to block entrance bvy the FBI by blockading the doors. Neighbors have said the father was strange too, and what do you want to bet it will eventually surface that the mother is a victim of mental and other domestic violence?? WHY? Because I do not believe this 22 year old man was a weirdo/psycho in school and other places and perfectly sane at home. Those parents had to be aware!!!

For anyonbe to try and make this a political issue is ridiculous, and to try and blame any one person or organization does nothing but take advantage for ones own personal beliefs! They are now passing a bill that the distance between a politician and his/her followers must be 300 feet, no closer. There are other NUTS running around out there so everyone best be cautious and take threats they receive seriously.
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