Julie, wow! I can certainly understand how you feel about people jumping ship, and I have a few thoughts...

There are many churches with differing styles for many reasons. Everyone must go where they are fed. We have to be patient when others search. They are taking their faith seriously. For whatever reason their spiritual needs aren't being met.

When we show them love instead of our frustration and aggravation, they may choose to stay based on the spirit of the people in the church. We must remain Christlike.

Should people choose to leave, the church that remains needs to be certain their heart is in the right place so they can attract new members. We must remember people aren't attracted to a church of frustrated and aggravated people.

What upsets me is when people just stop attneding any church, but return when changes have been made that might have better results for them.

Trust me, there are times I feel better fed sitting at my kitchen table with my Bible, journal, and prayer list. And Julie, if there was a nearby beach, I'd be there!

I have been very involved with my church, seen all the warts and it hurts. Are there any churches without them? I'm seriously asking. Anyone in a church that they are really on fire about? One that they've been involved in and haven't witnessed out of the ordinary occurences?

Julie, I'm trying to convince myself as I talk with you.

One thing we have to remember is that churches aren't museums for saints, they're hospitals for sinners. An old minister once shared that with me.