I am so sorry I am just seeing this thread probably too late for my dressing recipes, I have several...But here goes with my personal favorite anyway!


1 package of chicken gizzards
1 package of chicken livers
2 cans of chicken bouillon broth (no MSG)
1 large sweet onion
6 stalks celery hearts
large loaf of cheap white bread
Can of poultry seasoning
1 egg
1 stick butter
Can cooking spray


Boil chicken giblets in a largs pot for an hour until gizzards are soft & easy to cut. Set aside to cool. Save the water!

Toast the bread and set aside once torn into pieces.
Chop the celery and onions then carmalize in frypan in the
stick of butter once melted.
Add all butter, onion & celery into the toast.
Add the raw egg.
The giblets you set aside need to be cut up in very small
pieces and added to toast mixture.
Pour in the 2 cans of broth, add poultry seasoning to taste. I use about 3 tbls.
Now, with your hands, mix well together. If it seems too dry add some of the water you saved. But DO NOT make it all mushy.

Once well mixed, taste, and place in a 8 1/2x11 pan and cook for 1 & 1/2 hours at 350*F. or until a crust forms on top of the dressing.
Take a peek at my BLOG:
