Taste is quite mild, jabber. Have you ever had cooked white radish (or known as daikon)? To me, it tastes abit like that. Soft when cooked.

From someone in Norway, who decribed this:

"Kohl rabi is a traditional vegetable in Norway and I think the rest of Scandinavia, probably because it's one of the few things which will grow willingly up here. It's considered maybe a bit boring and "oldfashioned", but still a staple eaten throughout the country. I love fresh kohl rabi, good ones are sweet and crisp eaten raw, and it's a good veg to have in a stew, or sliced thinly and wok'ed. Aged ones get a bit rubbery though, and bitter sometimes. Mashed kohl rabi, like mashed potatoes, with butter and milk, is very good!"

For Norwegians and Germans: I've never heard of putting butter nor milk in kohl rabi.
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