DJ you ask..
"Do they think life is like tv sitcoms?"

I believe many people do think just this media age..when drama is played over and over in soap opera..
and that in a few episodes the writers have highs and life and death
so healthy interaction with outdoor activites...caring for animals and being aware of the third world poverty is as essential for our young generation as connecting with heros on TV.
good literature with cross culture issues and calm surroundings is as essential in teenage years as good nuturing is for a baby.

we boomers were sold Hollywood..Doris Day slapping mens faces and John Wayne smacking Maureen OHara bottom so we absorbed a quirky female role just as your niece feels Mother holds all the answers.Early on we promise our babies the moon the stars and the Universe then we grow as women.

this economic climate is a rerun of the Depression years.My elders had less then than I have nation has shown me security but things are achanging in the UK due to a coalition Government having a different perspective than previous powers..
we have to adapt
my slant does not change the sad situation for your relations..but we are a product of what we inherited just as your niece is..