Thanks for the warm welcome. I meant to post this in "Marriage" so thanks for forgiving my goof. I too understand exactly where his behavior comes from. His Father totally controls his Mother to the point that she was unable to purchase baked beans for a family picnic because they were 6 cents more a can than they normally were where they shop. I guess if you put aside all of the nit picky arguments the total lack of affection is what bothers me. He is so angry at me for the independence I manage to muster, the fact that I am not the housekeeper his mother is. Initially, I missed his affection and he'd respond with things like "Leave me alone, i can sleep for one more hour" or "I am too old for this", but now the thought of him touching me makes my skin crawl. I suspect he is bipolar. We've been through marriage counselling but he just lies the whole time and won't admit things he says and does. Someone gave me the advice to treat him like a king, but I don't want to do anything for him other than the basic laundry type things- so I would have to say it is correct that I am not trying. I am thinking if I moved then we would both have time to mull over our feelings during the separation.