Lynn, I meant to tell you AND EVERYONE ELSE this a while ago when I posted but having blonde tips, I forgot.

I'm being laid off of my analyst job after 20+ years. I have until the end of June. What am I going to do? Who the heck knows! I know this. I've been stiffled by this job for the past five years and knew THEN it was time to move on...but didn't have the guts to leave this nice, comfy salary...Well...seems God had other plans for me and now I'm two paychecks away from getting canned. So...we're in the same boat. I've about decided to try my hand at freelancing and see what I can do. Please kee me informed as to your path and I'll do the same. If I can help you in any way at all, email me! You have my home email I think. My best to you Lynn...and don't let fear enter in....its man-made. Relax and trust.