SASSY arrived home yesterday at about 1:30 p.m. all her new fixins were in place. She seemed shy for about the first half hour then ate, pooped, and started exploring the whole house. She loves her fancy new enclosure and slept in my room next to my bed safe and secure in it, and she slept all night with only a few fusses, then I lowered my hand into her bed got some kisses and she went right back to sleep. This morning she was tearing all around the house playing with her many toys, ate a hearty breakfast and them went into her bed.

I had 4 soft stairs for the other girls so they could climb up on my bed and figured Sassy wouldn't be able to use them for several months yet as she is so small. WELL!!! Guess what? I was at the computer and turned to see if she was still asleep and she wasn't there, and then I saw her sassy self sitting smack dab in the center of my queen size bed looking at me. She has climbed the stairs several times since then. I picked the correct name for this little spitfire, I'm sure of that...

My ex is picking up a camera for me today so I can get some pictures to post.
Take a peek at my BLOG: