The business is finally picking up; the sales cycle can be quite long. I've signed two agreements this month; one is fairly small, for an annual Renaissance Fair - a 7-weekend event. The other will be much larger, for a steel company with 9 locations. I'll know more once I get copies of their invoices for all sites.

The movie theatre that I did had 8 locations and I saved them 40% on their trash expenses. This system really does work and after completing that job, I know that I can help just about any business looking to cut costs on their waste spend.

Waste Expo was good; a quick trip but it went well thanks to several hours of planning beforehand. I had mapped out all the exhibitors that I wanted to see in advance, so I knew that exhibit floor inside out - it went very smooth and I never got lost or turned around. Any of you that attend things like this will understand what an achievement that can be when you are surrounded by more than 500 booths.

Regarding tidbits to share, it was more of a commercial venue rather than consumer-related. But they did talk about Zero Waste, and what that actually means. Turns out it means different things to just about everyone. Maybe I'll start a new topic on that somewhere else and see if anyone is interested in a discussion.