Originally Posted By: jawjaw
Why asked him to run it by the neighbor? You two should be able to sit down and get to the bottom of it. Leave the neighbor out of it. I know you were giving him a choice, a way to see it from another perspective, and that's gracious of you, but it should not be necessary.

Just my two cents...

+1 I agree with jawjaw. In our occasional moments of arguing between myself and dearie, neither of us have ever advised one another to consult an opposite sex, platonic "friend" for a 2nd opinion.

Perhaps your remark was a reflection of your ambivalent feelings about him still...by redirecting him back to his female/neighbour friend. confused

Frankly I'm never comfortable around any guy who drinks abit too much. Dearie does have a glass of wine or 2. But that's all..and that's all, I could handle from a love-mate.
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