Nancy, we've said this before, I still think it's truer than ever...we must be twins-separated-at-birth! We're so much alike. I'm very much affected by things like weather, TV, newspapers, took me so long to realize how toxic these things are to me and how easily they can take me down into dark places if I'm not diligent. I'm much better now at recognizing the signs of "too much" before it gets to be too much. And better at not even allowing much of it in in the first place.

I do think the vitamin D is making a difference. How much do you take, Nancy? I'm taking 1000mg a day, but have read differing opinions on what's high as 4000!

I have to do better at getting outside. That's my big downfall, and probably why I feel so much better in Cuba or when we travel anywhere, because we're outside all day wherever we go. Here, it's much easier to stay indoors...the backyard's buggy, messy (I've pleaded with hubby to clean/fix it up to create an oasis for me, and he agrees, but it still isn't happening yet) and there isn't even a tiny space left for me to set up a chair for myself.

I guess that's my next step...getting myself outside everyday, or at least every sunny day.

BTW, for anyone who knows about my phone phobia, I actually picked up the phone yesterday and called my best friend in Nova Scotia. I just picked up the phone, pressed her name and voila, did it. She was impressed and delighted. Another small step for those who have never been there, but a huge accomplishment for me.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)