It was fun reading through your discussion, ladies.

I WAS a biker ages ago, and I really want to get back into it. I grew up in Madison, WI and that city is bicycle friendly. Back in high school I joined the Yellow Jersey Bike Co-op before I even know the significance of the yellow shirt....

In high school I had a job at Gimbel's Department Store at Hilldale Shopping Center, which is on the far west side. I lived on the far Northeast side of town -- and the City is built on an isthmus, which means there are only a few streets which connect the two parts of town.

I used to ride my 5 speed bike to work. It took me about 40 minutes, which wasn't bad, considering it would have been at least a 20 minute commute by car...

The only challenge to this was the heat wave that would overcome me once I got off the bike. I always had to leave early enough to allow my heart rate and body temperature to return to normal before I could go out onto the sales floor... And I used to wish the ladies room had a shower...

By college I was riding a 10-speed and then an even better one. I rode the latter bike well into my 30's. But for the past 22 years that bike has been gathering dust in the garage.

Lately, every time I walk past it, I think, "I've GOT to get new tires and start riding that thing again. I always had such fun on it!"

I just started working out again at a fitness center. Hopefully the new tires will happen soon!

Edited by Anne Holmes (04/08/10 01:03 AM)
Boomer in Chief of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.