I didn't know you became a Trash Queen, DD. laugh Did you bike hurt your knees awhile ago?

If your bike didn't hurt your knees during the months you biked, most likely the bike fits you.

However, if a bike doesn't fit you and you don't know how to use your gearing, (and end up pushing on a hard big gear), then your knees will hurt. I will try to find a photo/info. on bike fit, it might take me a day or so.

Dotsie: Unless the bike path is really long, alot of paths do end somewhere onto/neaer a road. The key thing is to know certain neighbourhoods where one can go onto a quieter road shortly, after being on a busier/narrow road. The cycling routes that I do regularily in my city, are a blend of bike path, bike lane and roads with no bike lanes. For instance a 42 kms. ride- includes 60% on residential quiet streets, 20% busy/tighter streets, 20% separated, protected bike path.

Over the years, I have learned (alot of it from my partner) how to map out a route that at least reduces time on a busy, non-bike lane marked road.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)