When I was married, I stayed at home a few times and hated it. We compromised; I went to work and hubby stayed home - mostly because I liked working and he liked the domestic stuff. Plus I made more money than he did. When the kids were little, he was always home with them. He cooked, cleaned and all that stuff I hated (still do) and I worked on the cars, took care of the yard and other mechanical stuff. Worked for us. But that was back in the 70s and most of the people we knew thought we were weird, or crazy, or worse. Once the kids were older, we arranged our schedules so one of us was home with them; since we were both nurses it worked with the shifts with a little overlap of maybe an hour at a time.

I truly admire those women who can cook and clean and sew and all that. Even in Home Ec at school, the teacher wrote on my report card that I "didn't see why I had to do this." I would have been happier in Shop but that option wasn't available in the late 50s and early 60s. I had to fight just to be allowed into advanced math and science classes in high school because girls weren't considered to be any good at science!!
Well-behaved women rarely make history. - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich