AvalonBlondi, I can totally relate. I was a stay at home mom and I must say, that was quite a gift to some of my friends who worked.

However, I've also worked from home, and people think that because you work from home, you're still available. Holy Moly.

By selling the sites, I will have more time to help those who need it, but I am still going to guard my time. I'm hoping to do some volunteer work while searching for that new passion.

For now, I'm a full time homemaker, and loving it.

There's plenty to keep busy, as we all know. I was at the food store at 7:30 buying ingredients for corned beef and cabbage, took my daughter to school, got Dad, went to two banks, visited the cemetery with him, got lunch, then Ross and I visited my little niece at the hospital, and am now cooking corned beef for 14, doing laundry and catching up with my BWS friends. Life is full.

chatty, we have some stay at home moms in the neighborhood and they all stick together and raise their kids together. THey are the volunteers for the neighborhood, school rec, pool, church, etc. Not too different from when I stayed home.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.