Wow, how cool that the author of the book is your FIL's know he really knows his stuff. I'd like to have that much confidence in my mother's doctors but sometimes I wonder.
I will definitely look for those other books. I found The 36 Hour Day in a used bookstore and it's been the best $1.50 I ever spent, believe me! Am passing it on to my brother and SIL -- although something tells me my brother won't bother to read it and if he does he won't get as much out of it. He is not very patient or understanding about any of this. Bless my SIL she's been a rock thru all this.
So far we're doing ok on the financial end of things which is the only part of it all that my brother is good at. He's useless when it comes to dealing with my mother.
Thanks for the book recommendations.
Between this and some other issues going on around here I'm finding myself feeling wierdly one step away from tears at times when I least expect it. I haven't been this weepy in years.