chatty, I'm with you, but the state legislatures aren't. Had a meeting this morning for his care going forward. Again, we learned that he can't be restrained, though some families use medicine to restrain their loved ones. Basically you drug them so they can't even think about getting up. We aren't doing that!

We learned this morning that he needs 24/7 care to return to his Alzheimer's care facility. He is being discharged from the rehab nursing home Thursday so you can guess waht we're doing, scrambling to find good care.

Blondi, They better be working double time because one in seven boomers are expected to get this wicked disease. There won't be enough facilities, or people to care for us. This is a very frightening thought.

Live for today. Who knows what tomorrow will bring!
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.