EW, I bet because you visit so much they were happy to help.

We visited yesterday and he's had a bad night. He had a paranoia attack, tore down the curtains, thinking the guy in the room was trying to kill him. They had to give him medication to calm him down so when we visited yesterday, he was stone-faced. He didn't talk to us, was very solemn and tired; all a result of the medication.

Today was better. He was a bit happy and goofy. We were thrilled. We're up and down with his moods.

Mountain, I can't imagine taking care of young kids and dealing with aging parents. I don't know how you did it. Was she nearby?

orchid, Ross is that same person to his dad. He's the one who can calm him down and redirect. It's touching to watch, but quite a position to be in. It's unbelievable, but almost everytime Ross is out of twon, his dad has soem type of episode, several of which landed him in the hospital. When he was in Aruba, he broke his hip. Weird.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.