Oh, I forgot about the hot flashes. I had pretty much determind that THAT wouldn't happen to me. Yeah well, when you wake up in the middle of the night and your head's hot, and your neck is even hotter and if that's not pleasant enough your cleavage (my cleavage) feels like a Slip and Slide. But I haven't had that for a little bit.

I went to Santa Barbara this summer, on my annual 'girl trip.' It was 108 here (Central California) so the coast was a wonderful idea. Well, HELLO, they were having a hot spell, 98 degrees, the whole time we were there... and there's NO air conditioning... I had to find a fan and direct it at my head at night, thought I was going to kill someone, anyone, in Rite-Aid one night and finally grabbed my girlfriend (who is also my Pastor's wife) and told her that she'd just better get her butt in the car and turn the air conditioner on full blast or they'd be bailing out me out of the crazy ward because I was gonna have a fit.

But when it passes...you're sweet as pie.