Instructions for adding a picture to your profile.

1. Go to the forums---at the top you'll see this menu:


Control Panel ~ Forum List ~ My Stuff ~ User List
~ Calendar ~ Active Topics ~ Search ~ FAQ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2. Select MY STUFF.

3. From that menu, select PROFILE.

4. Once in the PROFILE page, scroll down to near the bottom until you see "Select the radio button next to the option you are using to change your image."

Within that section, click in the button that says, "URL to your avatar (Your image must be smaller than 80x80 pixels; .GIF, .JPG, .png accepted)"

5. Put in the address, or URL of your picture. It must reside on the Internet somewhere. It cannot be a picture on your computer. It must have an address that begins with "http"

6. The picture can only be the size of 80x80 pixels as stated above.

7. Once you have entered the address, or URL, click SUBMIT at the bottom of the page.

Instructions for posting an image in the FORUM: Photo Gallery. NOTE: Images can be posted directly from a folder/location on your computer in the Photo Gallery forum only. Instructions for inserting an image into any POST on any FORUM are different, and will follow the Photo Gallery instructions.

2. Click NEW IMAGE
3. Type in a SUBJECT
5. Click BROWSE and select the image from the folder/location on your computer for the image you want to post
6. Click DONE
7. Click SUBMIT
8. Add comments if you’d like
This will create the initial post of a new thread. It may take a few to show up.

INSERTING IMAGES WITHIN ANY FORUM POST – for inserting images, you must use a “Full Reply Screen”:
1. Store the image you wish to post on an offsite photo sharing website, such as (you will have to have an account – a free account is offered).
2. Once the image is stored, you will see html code strings provided for the image – Photobucket provides four – it will look like this: (the Xs represent info relative to your particular account).
3. Copy the image code to your clipboard - right click & copy. (With Photobucket, mouse over the “Direct Link” coding and it will automatically copy to your clipboard.)
4. Go to the BWS forum post in which you want to insert the image and click on the “INSERT AN IMAGE” icon (4th from the left).
5. From the menu that opens, select one of the four float locations and click.
6. When the URL info box opens, right click and paste the image info from your clipboard.
7. Click OK, then preview post to see if the steps worked