Dotsie I am so sorry to hear about what you and your husband are going's terrible to watch a beloved parent become so helpless ...I'm keeping you in my prayers...but please take time out for yourself...I felt that I had to be with my Dad night and day while he was in rehab and by the time he was ready to go back to his Assisted Living home I was exhausted and so emotional..and he actually needed me more at that thing I do regret is not making a bigger deal sooner about the meds he was taking in rehab...they kept him pretty doped up (mainly so they wouldn't have to answer his calls so often) and so he was sleeping too much and getting weaker and weaker...once I insisted that they lessen his pain and sleeping meds he perked up and did his exercises and began eating better) check out the dosages on his meds if you get the chance...also...make a big deal about them not changing the sheets or your FIL's gown...ask his nurse first to change them...and if they don't come within 15 minutes go out and ask to speak with the supervisor...also complain to his's sad that it has come to this but we have to be their advocates...tell the staff you are very concerned about him contracting an infection ...I pray that he progresses and gets out of there soon...Please take care.

People may not remember exactly what you said or what you did...but they will always remember how you made them feel