Unfortunately Dotsie, we all have to be our own advocates when we have loved ones in a hospital...my Father had Alzheimers and was hospitalized 10 times in his final year of life..when he was on the cardiac floor they left him outside in a hallway overnight..alone..I was beyond outraged when I arrived at 8am and found him in the same place where he had been when I left at 9 the night before...needless to say the next time he was hospitalized we went to a different hospital...I could write a book about how poorly I think the elderly are treated in this country, I made sure I was present for every test they gave him and spoke to his primary doctor every day...I was always sweet to his nurses but I spoke up when I saw something I didn't like..and if I didn't like the answer the nurse gave me then I would ask to talk to her supervisor...my mother always said "The squeaky wheel gets the oil..." I squeaked plenty but always with a smile on my face. It was without a doubt the worst period of my life...my heart aches for all of you girls dealing with a parent with Alzheimers....I sure hope they hurry up with a magic pill to cure it our lifetime...God Bless ....keeping you ladies in my prayers.

People may not remember exactly what you said or what you did...but they will always remember how you made them feel