First -- disclaimer -- I enroll customers in a wellness company called Melaleuca which has environmentally-friendly cleaning products, Nicole Miller make-up, vitamins and other things.

The thing with the juices is that they do help vitamins get to your bloodstream faster. Your cells like sugar. By combining the vitamin with fructose (the sugar in fruit), the juice gives you energy. However, the mark-up on the juice from manufacturer to purchaser is extremely high.

We do the same trick with vitamins, combining the fructose and vitamin in a vitamin pill.

Yes, fresh fruit is best, pure fruit juice is next best to get the great things you need from juice. And if you aren't buying organic fruit, wash, wash, wash! Pomegranites are fun!

Bottled water is, unfortunately, becoming a problem. There are too many plastic bottles being created and thrown in the environment. There's the gas used to truck the water. I've switched to a hard plastic bottle that I fill with filtered tap water.

If anyone wants to learn more about Melaleuca (no sales pressure -- just information LOL!), send me a private email.