Aw shucks, you guys are making me blush and that ain't easy, LOL!!!

We are ALL a huge part of this site, and in this case it does actually take a village, so to speak...

Thanks to our dear Dotsie this is our playground away from home, we know we can come here for friendship, fun and truth. To me thats what a proper forum is all about.

Love you ALL, even the sisters whose ideas differ from my own, it makes for an interesting round table, and believe me I can be pig headed sometimes and not easily swayed from my own opinions. I simply tell it like I see it, and yes, I do go out of my way to try to post something to everyone so no one feels left out. We should all do more of that and also not let a topic just sit there week after week with nothing going on, if you notice one, jump in create a new topic in its place if you can.

Oops, door bell, gotta go...I'm going to be fostering six newborn kittys and mamma cat until they get older and can be found forever homes. Here we go again, LOL!!!!!
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