Originally Posted By: NYWoman
For the most part, my experience here at BWS has been positive. On the other hand, I often feel uncomfortable posting a new topic or responding to an ongoing discussion. Why? I feel intimidated by some and also like I am an outsider. Several of you long-timers have developed close relationships and have met IRL. I believe it's difficult for someone new to feel welcomed into, what could be perceived as, the inner circle.

I've also seen how heated some discussions can get here at BWS with harsh words being written. Perhaps that is why some women have moved on from BWS.

These are just my thoughts, for what they're worth.

The more you participate here ,the easier it is for people to respond to you. smile I had a brief browse through your blog. I sense I'm viewing info. about things that interest you, but not clear who you are.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)