Originally Posted By: Princess Lenora
Good morning. We embrace the concept of diversity: equality and acceptance of different races and cultures, socio-economics, life-styles, such as gay, and religion. That is the theory. October I was invited to do a blog-talk radio interview on a channel that was predominantly African-American women. I was honored to talk about domestic violence to an audience not typical for my talks, yet it is all the human race. However, I won't participate in their forums (other than Facebook) because why? I can't know the situations that have been affected by their collective culture & race.. I don't want to intrude. I've said I went back to college in my forties for social work. In the one "diversity" class students were asked to write about the culture of their origins. You would not believe that the majority of young Americans did not know their ancestry! I am second generation, so got benefit of traditions of Italians, and grew-up stories of immigration and Italian language. The younger generations did not know. They did not care, either. Just saying.

It was probably a compliment to you that the particular Afro-American women's group felt comfortable to invite you speak /participate as a speaker, Princess. It would not be necessarily the same for just any woman with exposure to abuse and coping mechanisms, etc. You are astute enough to recognize the challenge or a different role if you were to participate in such a forum with women who had markedly different experiences through their lens.

As for rolling along in life and not really knowing one's family background or more pertinent, not appreciating nor understanding the context how one's nationality/citizenship/country of residence sits within the global context, as a highly influential on one's own perceptions, upbringing, cultural influences, etc., it's probably a comfortable, if "safe" but limited way of thinking/living. It is felt that one could have gr.6 education but still have a sense of history, even if only past family history and present. At least understanding the linkages of one's own family within the worldview, "roots" a person psychologically (even they knew nothing about politics, cultural influences in their own/adopted country) and gives the person a starting point to explore the world outward for discussion and comparison.

Mountain Ash, the Royal family seems to have alot less interest here in Canada compared to 30 or 50 years ago. Queen Elizabeth II, still has some interest because she has been around so ...long. She has staying power, a kind of respect that anyone would accord to a woman who has somehow 'survived' doings of other family members. (I guess she missed being a boomer woman! :)) Whereas other members of Royal Family, there are varying opinions in Canada. Just 2 weeks ago, we missed without knowing, Prince Charles and Lady Camilla touring the Olympic Athletes' Village. We cycled in the area on our way to the market and didn't know, except there were people strolling in nice clothing in the rain with umbrellas. His visit to Canada this time, didn't generate alot of excitement.

http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)