The level of interest shown to celebraties.

As a child we stood along the street when Queen Elisabeth visited and waved union flags.I took a class to the Mall when Princess Anne visited maybe 2005 and they dispersed some to buy records and others just to hang out.Older folks did wait and watch.
Scotland was given her Assembly...maybe leading soon to her Parliament being reinstated..That drew the crowds..streets lined with ordinary folks.Whole day coverage on TV
Its a time of change..Politically.
Actors/writers/musicians are all claimed by their home town and there is a known "Jock" Pack not my term..but a few rugged Scots have made good films.When they do well or otherwise reporters come to towns...speak to locals and write a resume..for example..a local High School headmaster was found with nasty computer files this year..
so its written that Dougray Scotts headmaster was jailed..thing is 20 plus years since he was at the school.Usual media headlines.
Celebrity...we can meet and greet authors at book festivals..speak to artists like Jack Venteranio easily..Politicans are known to many of us. its a small Country but rich in interest.