Good morning. We embrace the concept of diversity: equality and acceptance of different races and cultures, socio-economics, life-styles, such as gay, and religion. That is the theory. October I was invited to do a blog-talk radio interview on a channel that was predominantly African-American women. I was honored to talk about domestic violence to an audience not typical for my talks, yet it is all the human race. However, I won't participate in their forums (other than Facebook) because why? I can't know the situations that have been affected by their collective culture & race.. I don't want to intrude. I've said I went back to college in my forties for social work. In the one "diversity" class students were asked to write about the culture of their origins. You would not believe that the majority of young Americans did not know their ancestry! I am second generation, so got benefit of traditions of Italians, and grew-up stories of immigration and Italian language. The younger generations did not know. They did not care, either. Just saying. Hope I made some sense to contribute food for thought based on personal experience. Orchid wrote: "Maybe I'm not here so often to see more different women posting, versus us enthusiastic regular posters here." IMO you are here often and you are certainly observant, so I doubt you missed anyone!

Edited by Princess Lenora (12/10/09 11:59 AM)