Orchid wrote "Does this make some people here feel uncomfortable, puzzled? Is it discomforting to ask such harmless questions? What do you think the main demographic of this group is? While we are all human, our backgrounds, perceptions can affect one interacts with others." I regularly come and go depending on which drama I'm coping with at any given time. Having no effective extended family, I come here for support. I could write it all in my journal, but here I get a real true cohort to help me cope. After a bit, I have had quite enough of myself, so I lay low for a while. To come here is to be here for 2 hours. It is midnight. I started reading at 10! I want to read everything about everyone, but that is impossible. And sometimes I feel vulnerable to others' pain because I may tend to carry it with me, so I can't comment. Maybe that is selfish? If I am in my dramas I cannot communicate comfort to others. That explains partially the coming and going. Like Cathi, I used to agonize over the grammar of every message, but now I am more casual. It does not matter how one writes; the forum has embraced a variety of language quirks and writing styles. Yes, this is a homogenous subculture without diversity. I've invited women here who lurk, then tell me they are not comfortable due to a perceived collective persona that is just not for them. Because EW & Humlan & Lola live abroad means that they are Americans experiencing European culture. I don't think that is diversity that Orchid speaks of? We have had citizens of Australia, Ireland, etc. yet, the baby-boomer population is for the most part an American phenomena. I may be mistaken, please set me straight, no research memorized. So in that respect, it is what it is, and that's why I am here. I'd go elsewhere if I wanted an international experience. I joined 4 years ago. Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter have evolved exponentially. Why are people so fascinated with a brief message about drinking orange juice? Are we as a nation so stressed out from war and politics that we need to be entertained by the games 24/7? The internet users of social network seem to drive toward those sites, rather than spending time here where one can delve more deeply into a topic about anything, for example, diversity, amongst her peers. Plus, there are more boomer forums to choose from where once there was ONE or TWO. Orchid always challenges me to think. What is different for me now as opposed to 4 years ago is that I feel safer in writing my thoughts here, rather than just lurking without comment. That has been the biggest gift to me from BW- SPEAK: the encouragement of women to define and voice my opinion, from one who was brought up to be seen and not heard. Dianne, surely you can buy a laptop for yourself? I was chagrined to hear that this was your safe place to be yourself, then you had to retreat Good night. minus 13 degrees F in Colorado

Edited by Princess Lenora (12/10/09 02:34 AM)