Why do I keep coming back? When here, it’s like I’m putting on my sweats, my comfy slippers, and cuddling in my easy chair. I feel like a part of it all, and I feel welcomed. I love that feeling, and wouldn’t want to give it up any more than my easy chair.

EW, this is spot on!

I have probably revealed more of my deeper self right here than I have anywhere else both online and offline. I know I can come here if I want to just goof around. I know I can come here if I am broken and need a shoulder. I know I can come here when I need feedback and guidance (as evidence in my post "I can't take it anymore!"). I know I can come here if I need or want to learn anything from any subject. I came here for refuge after I lost my dad, and I knew I could do that. Not to mention, some of my best New Years Eve Parties has been right here!

It is second nature to me now to be able to come here and have conversations with my friends. I can't imagine my life without this place to come to.

Now I have been to other forums in the past, I was looking for a place to come and be with friends whenever I felt like taking my hair down. Most forums were very slow, I may have received a response after 4 months maybe? When I found this forum, this is when I stopped looking.

I'll never forget when I joined this forum how welcomed I felt and still feel.

Here is what happened. I had started a content based web-site at that time, thinking it was a path I was to take. Before I put any content on it, I had typed on my homepage the day I would launch it. When I had registered at BWS, I had added the web address in my profile. I was pleasantly surprised later that day to see an email from Dotsie to personally welcome me to the forum. Not only that, she mentioned to me to announce my web-site when it was ready. That is when I knew, I had stumbled on to something different. Was it the free advertising? No, I saw a woman reaching out to help another woman, it was the heart I saw. This was surprising because if you even mention you have a business or a name just in conversation, the moderator would go balistic, that is the experience I would have on the other forums prior to finding this one!

I can't imagine my life without my Boomer Sisters! I really can't.

I love you all alot!

Proud member of National Association Of Baby Boomer Women!