Dotsie, interesting to read what you have been investing in promoting this site. Although this started as your personal cause, isn’t BWS a business for you as well? When I think about my investments in my business and website, I’m right up there with you.

As Meredith says; “Everything has its ebb and flow”. Although I think the ebb part has increased. Participation isn’t as active as it once was. But you know, I don’t need dozens of on-line friends. Five to ten steady friendships are for me more meaningful then collecting a pile of acquaintances. It’s like that in my “real” life too. I prefer a smaller circle of friends, then large groups where your own voice and thoughts go under in the turmoil.

As far as heated discussions going on; I haven’t seen any in a long time. We have had constructive discussions as well, without any punches under the belt. It hasn’t been all bad.

I don’t think Facebook holds a candle to this place. It’s here where we can really interchange.

Why do I keep coming back? When here, it’s like I’m putting on my sweats, my comfy slippers, and cuddling in my easy chair. I feel like a part of it all, and I feel welcomed. I love that feeling, and wouldn’t want to give it up any more than my easy chair.
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.