Honestly, I did not think I'd have stayed for as long as I have. I joined BWS a month into my post-op after a major surgery and thought I would not be able to maintain participation in the forums when I went back to work. But, I always find time to pop in, often at the back of some work or another that I am preoccupied with on my computer, which I always am. If I disappear for a period, it would be because I would be away from my computer for some reason or another.

Some would perhaps perceive online communities as a very impersonal medium for friendships, in whatever degree that may arise. However, it takes very little to recognise that there are aspects of lives shared here from a very personal level. On that basis alone, one is constantly reminded that behind forum names are real people. And, because ladies here share in the way that they do, the least that one does is not be dismissive of their company.

As to diversity, I think if we were to look into the 2701 membership of the forums, we'd find diversity in general. It only happens to be the case that there are regular posters and even then, I think we all come from different backgrounds in satisfaction of that element.

Do I hold back from full disclosure? Yes, but, only because my life is privately and professionally intertwined with many others who might not appreciate any breach of courtesy to them on a public forum. So, I self-censor on their behalf.