At the end of each Open University summer school each group is asked to fill in a detailed survey about their experience..
I have witnessed lecturers I admire and repect being devestated when their seniors debrief at a meeting.Sat in the cafeteria whilst brilliant people smart from hearing what a minority think..
But each participant there has a voice..and that what drives excellence.

I have not contributed to this discussion...too near Christmas to get upset..
I do look to see what women from other countries (diversity) experience..Humlan brings much to the discussions as does EW..and I note today a NZ poster.The life experiences..Anno and others.all rich resources.Orchid and Eagle from Canada all draw my interest.
The use of language..the nuances...but the stance that nothing has ever been wrong...and people go away healed is not my own take on things at all.So until now I have kept silent.

I personally would pay to be here..not having a business there is no reason for me to advertise..but my reasoning is that I buy a magazine..and buy credits and memberships for my geneolgy.
so it follows I would pay for use of resouces

I will never discuss politics here again.and never try to explain my maybe I have set limits on what I share..

The answer is not that I leave..dont post but I understand why people cease to post...

Orchid you set a question.I did not find it uncomforable.