I come here everyday, several times a day. If there are threads I feel drawn to respond to, I do. Quite often lately, many discussions involve American policies and politics and being neither American or politically inclined, I can't contribute anything to those discussions. But I have never stopped coming, and I continue to carry my Boomer sisters in my heart and prayer.

Another facet for me is that BWS used to have a greater diversity of discussion, a lot more laughter and light-hearted sisterhood. We went through a period of great upheaval and discord here, where many were hurt and when they tried to voice that hurt, some of the responses were unkind and further alienating. That abrupt and extended aggression and discord made many of us feel uncomfortable here (remember the term "tea party gals"?) I missed the laughter, grieved for the former gentle atmosphere and did what I always do when confronted with unkindness, I retreated and found solace in other activities. That might be hard to hear, but IMO, it's going to be a common explanation for the absence of many of my other "tea party" sisters.

But I've never given up, am here faithfully throughout the day, although not as vocal as before. But this will always be "home base" for me.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)