I never did buy into TV star Suzanne Sommers marketing bio-identicals as the miracle thing which keeps her young and vibrant. I suspect there are some plastic surgeons and personal trainers who could write their own book about her.

Speaking as a menopausal woman/nurse, I was on many variations of HRT and bio-identicals over the years until that report came out. (Turns out the media and their experts sensationalized the results as usual. They made it sound like you were going to die for sure if you so much as even looked at an HRT pill.) Like everyone else, I bought the headlines instead of the fine print. I tried to wean off HRT gradually. My hair almost completely fell out and the severe hot flashes came back with a vengeance. So I became part of the 50% who eventually returned to the world of HRT.

I take the least amount which works for me.

I think every woman's body is unique and each of us must do what is right for us. If bio-identicals work for you, I say go for it. Whatever you and your trusted health care professional decide together, is the right way to go in my opinion.
Josie smile