JawJaw..first of all, thank God you are ok after your accident.

I lost 21 pounds last year and have managed to keep it off. I cut back on fat and sugar. I do not eat any processed food at all. I bring a snack bag to work which has fruit, plain almonds, some cottage cheese with a chopped up apple and other healthy things. I do not drink any soda, diet or otherwise and really only drink water throughout the day. Don't get me wrong, I do indulge in the occasional pizza, burger, glass of wine or martini, but it's a treat for me and not my normal way of eating. I went from a size 10 (almost a 12), to a 4 and have managed to stay a 4. I exercise in the morning before work (treadmill and light weights) and really, I am just very AWARE of what I eat! I'm not obsessed but if I ate pizza last night, I won't have a big lunch today. I truly believe in cutting back even when you don't think it makes much of a difference, it does.
GOOD LUCK!! I am soooo rooting for you!