Truer words were never spoken... And honey, did you EVER hit the nail on the head. I know me, and once I make my mind up, I'm almost obsessive about my methods. However, I also know me in that it has to be structured and laid out there.

So, a friend once told me that what makes us well, you know, that three letter was simply the food we put in our mouths. There again, more trueism...

Given all of that... and because I am SOLEY in charge of my menu's and grocery shopping... here is a sample of what I eat, almost weekly. Anybody want to take a shot at what wrong with this picture? Chick?

Either one or two pieces of toast, usually no butter, but sometimes yes

sometimes not at all, but if I do, its late in the day around 2ish... and usually soup (homemade) with a side order of pickled baby corns. Or maybe a sliced cucumber... or a salad.

Sometimes a lein crusine or weight watchers frozen pizza, or an package of those Szechuan frozen veggies (gawd, I'm addicted to these) or maybe a package of the broccolli, cauliflower, carrots in butter one...

Snacks later at night include but are not limited to one ice cream bar (dollar store) or a nutty butty. Sometimes I just have a peppermint or two and that's all.

So, you see I don't eat that much. So do you think it is the exercise that I need to add? I don't do ANY....Just the mention of it makes my butt want to crochet barbwire... BUT... I want to do this!

Oh, one more menu for lunch and supper are sometimes reversed. And sometimes, the only thing I eat at all ALL DAY LONG is a salad. With ranch dressing.

My eating habits are terrible, of this I know...

Let's face it, I'm a toad...JJ