Thanks for your caring words, everyone.

JJ, Basil has been my mentor through so much over the past 30 years. He has definitely been my best "glimpse of God" and I will forever treasure his presence in my life.

Linda, no words could possibly convey the spiritual gift that Basil has been and continues to be to all who spend time with him. A very rare gift indeed. I could have written an entire book on Basil and still not have said enough.

Dotsie, I wanted to ask for the notes, but didn't. But I did copy the quote from Thomas Merton that Basil said was what he was living now. And he wrote about kneeling in the midst of the burning bush of his disease, and also about "this" "all of this" (disease, being bedridden, everything) as being Sacred Space. Amazing. And palpable.

Anno, he has been a rare and much-beloved treasure in the lives of everyone who knows him...words just cannot adequately describe how faithful he is and how, well, holy and sacred it feels to be in the same room with him. I don't mean to build him into something more than human, but there is no doubt in the heart of anyone who spends time with Basil that they have walked on Sacred Ground.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)