Bug... just as i was putting together that post, a friend who lives out of town came in to visit. He is up in his eighties now, a widower, and from south america. His son brings him over, and then leaves so we can visit. He and i drink pots of coffee, chain smoke, and talk and talk, he tells me about his wife, his homeland, his former profession, and so many interesting things ... anyway, my point is, he came with a new package of cigerettes to 'share' with our 'coffee'.. i explained that i was going into my second day off cigerettes, and didn't want any, but i ended up smoking them with him.. actually i didn't want any, but he was extending them as a 'gift' a special gift,

so my secret resolution is blown, oh well,.... and it was going to be a surprise !! darn it. I was going to be clean for a week and surprise you and Chickadee.well, pretend you didn't read this okay.. because i might try again.... i dont know....

Nancy, of course you are welcome to join us ..
Chickadee has a new life now because Bug started this topic, and kept encouraging us, (did you know Bug that....''to save one life is to save the world' ... anyway Nancy, there are no dues or membership fees here --but--i could look after dues, if you people want to send money......
and Chick, i bet you've got a lot more money now in your pocket since you've quit this abominable
habit. .....