I want to thank (in no particular order) Chatty, Lsmith, JJ, Unique, Flipperjo, Danita, Bluebird, Ladybug, Smile, Dianne, Norma and TVC for keeping me honest.
Thank you for encouraging and empowering me to reach and obtain an important life goal. Without your support, I can honestly say it wouldn't have happened. I had real people to report to, smokers, exsmokers and nonsmokers alike. I think it's important to hear from all sides. You were there when I needed you. Thank you to those of you who read this topic and prayed without posting or posted in another section.

Ladybug, I am grateful you started this topic. All things happen for a reason(s).

In answer to your posts: I have coffee in the morning only and I am not one to eat sweets or junk food unless my lunch date is in town(......) I don't think any weight gain is going to happen AND I get lots of exercise walking around a very large grocery store these days.

Smile, I will pray with you for your daughter to quit. Maybe she could start by cutting back to a certain amount in her car and go from there.

Dianne, my face is beginning to get that oxygen glow, too. I think Danita's Arbonne cream is also helping. No wrinkles yet so I just might have half a chance at keeping them at bay for another few years. I do love my laugh lines tho...they become me.

Norma and TVC, I have you in my prayers for God to whisper, 'You are ready now.'
It will be soon.

Quitting smoking is the best Christmas gift I have given my family and especially my grandchildren. It is the best gift I have given myself in my lifetime.
I am blessed that I had all of you to help. Thank you from my heart.
Dotsie, We are just another example of your goals for BWS being accomplished.


( [Big Grin] [Big Grin] A [Big Grin] [Big Grin] NON [Big Grin] [Big Grin] SMOKER [Big Grin] [Big Grin] )