Yes Chatty, I still need you. Facts and all. I am more worried about the inside effects more than wrinkles. That was a long time smoking for me. I just hope I can get away with it by quitting. No guarantees only that I won't be 'puffing and blowing' again!

Bug, (that's my nickname for my daughter, short for Twitterbug) If I send a photo of me in a bustier, I really would be Victoria's "Secret"! Baahhh haaa haaa.

Norma, glad to see you posted. And you know...we are only as old as we feel. Uh huh, that's what they say.

Last night I celebrated with a candy bar, TGIF mozza sticks, A rice Krispie square and 1/2 brownie all washed down with, you guessed it...Diet Pepsi. My next treat is Christmas Eve. No wine for me this year, it may trigger me.

TVC, come and say hi.
