I worked at the Seabee base in Gulfport MS and was standing in line at the base fast-food establishment. Two seamen were standing in line behind me and dropped the ef bomb...I turned around and asked them not to use that language in such a public place. They apologized to me but again...why does anyone think it's okay to say in a public place especially around women? I would like to say it's because they weren't taught but I taught my own sons not to curse around me (or any women) but I hear one son spewing out the most vulgar language around his fiance and other lady friends and the girls say nothing. I've had to ask him not to use that language around me and have gotten the smack that I'm 'controlling' him. It isn't about control..it's about respect. I wonder how he'll be when he has a child...I can bet you he won't be talking like that around them...or at least I hope not. Maybe one day he'll grow up in this area...he's 33.
"They will be able to say that she stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her away....and surely it has not.....she adjusted her sails" - Elizabeth Edwards