One of the most important things I've learned is our loved ones, who have passed, are right here with us. I know we've all heard this said, and said it ourselves, but "KNOWING" it makes all the difference in the world. Daddy recently sent me a peanut. No ONE can convince me differently. Mother as much as told me, "Learn to Love Again," the most important thing she could have said to me. I am so OPEN to them visiting me. Daddy was in a very real dream two nights ago. He had his left hand on my right forearm, as we were checking out at a retail counter somewhere. I could feel the softness of his touch and the warmth from his hand. IT WAS SO REAL! They're here in me, near me, for me and because of me!!!! I know this and with it I find great comfort and peace... esp. knowing they are helping prepare a place for me when it's my time. Mother knows I want a purple room in that mansion she earned!!!
Love ya, Mother!
Love ya, Daddy!
Keep the faith Cat, and all.... we are with them, as they are with us!
If you'd like to see my mom's memorial page, go here: Mother if that doesn't work, search for Squyres (M).

For each of us who have lost a loved one, I pray we grow with the losses...
(((hugs)))... special one for Cathi![[[HUG]]]