Thought I'd post an update about my sisters. The older one who had the triple bypass open heart surgery is doing really very good. She has her good and bad days but the Doctor said she's doing great. Thank all of you for those prayers.

My other sister, my twin, is still having problems from the surgeries. The wound from the second surgery is still open and draining something. Then about a week ago she had to have a drain put in not far from the other site because a CT scan found a pocket of infection they had missed. So, they are not treating her for the first infection and giving her pills for the second one. This is ongoing but it seems like nothing is getting done.

We go back to the Doctors on Tuesday and he's going to give me some answers or else. The original surgery was May 20th and here we are in August and she's still messing about with infections and such. So I dearly would love more of your prayers. She needs this situation to be resolved. Thanks to all of you for your support so far. God loves you all and so do I.
"Kaleidoscope Memories: Childhood Stories That Celebrate Family Life" - 2008