You're not alone, Chatty. Everything here is more expensive and smaller, including loaves of bread and TP. The Peanut butter isn't any better, but it's more expensive. They've been downsizing our food for years. I used to buy potato chips once in awhile until the bags were only half full of chips, the other half air. I stopped buying them.

I have a great produce store and the Saturday produce market in the library parking lot. I rarely buy meat and eat chicken every day in numerous and wonderful ways.

I'm craving fruit and this morning a friend invited me to take figs right off of her tree. I brought home two dozen. I haven't seen them in my produce market for 3 years. What bounty! She has over 10 fruit trees in her yard all loaded with ripening fruit. I'll be back for the oranges and grapefruits when they're ready.

I'm having a problem finding good tomatoes. I want to eat them every day. I know some of you grow your own but I can't carry all the fixins up the stairs to my balcony. The search continues.
What I know for sure is that it's all connected.
Saundra Goodman
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