Those cyclists are wealthy elite to fly in the German chef to Colorado!

Edelweiss, my partner looked at the chef's website. He couldn't see where there was a sample restaurant menu to see the type of Germany cuisine he prepared. Is Orlando the name of branch restaurant located in Germany somewhere? If it is, it's like us calling a restaurant here in Vancouver, "Hollywood". LOL.

Who is considered a real innovative German style chef in Germany these days? When my partner visited his cousin's restaurant-inn in the Black Forest region, a few years ago, he actually found the restaurant's cooking good, but not particularily innovative. I believe the restaurant caters to an older, 'spa', primarily German clientele. The prices aren't cheap, even by German standards.

My response to him: If a German chef is trained solely in German cuisine, has not worked outside of Germany and s/he has not grown up with knowledge of preparing other cuisines, then the cuisine has less chance of transcending traditional German cuisine to create something new/innovative yet different exciting in taste.

HIs cousin does not have much fluency in speaking nor reading English, hence would that not already limit his exposure to recipes from other ethnic cuisines? Or do German language cookbooks include alot of other ethnic cuisines?
_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)