Cathi, it's great to see you posting again. It sounds like you are grieving the death of Dad, and possibly missing Mom. Even though you are happy for her, she isn't as close in distance and that could be hard for you too. I'm sorry you are going through all of this heartache, but please recall these few words:

The Lord comforts those who mourn.

Someone wrote these in a card to me when Mom died. They are simple, but I drew strength from them whenever I began to get down about Mom's passing. I hope they give you the boost you need.

I relived Mom's death and dying today while attending a cousin's funeral. She died a similar death to Mom (cancer). The final song was Eagle's Wings and that began the tears rolling. They also sang Ave Maria which was one of Mom's favorites. Worship music speaks to me. Even though I was sad, it was actually nice to think of Mom in a church setting.

Cathi, carrying you in prayer.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.