I was at BF's house this weekend and everything went okay. His son went out of his way to be polite and respectful. Next week we're all going to visit BF's parents, who are in their late 80's, for one week. I love it up there and if we end up together, we may retire there.

I considered backing out of the trip, but I think it will be a good time for the three of us to work some things out. I like to fish and they're avid fishermen, however, I'll definitely give them their space to do the guy-bonding thing. And even though I like to fish, I'd also be happy to read a book in a chair next to the river.

Thank you for your responses last week. You helped me to see things from many different perspectives. I think BF confided in his bestfriend and his GF and I'm sure he's gotten another perspective too. There has been a few times when we've had a "discussion" about an issue and days later, he'll make a statement that tells me that he does get my point of view.