Madelaine: Hope it all works out for son in his new place for awhile.

Kate: Those young men you have met in that company, so far they sound immature. But then we don't know how much they help around home if they aren't paying rent or helping out abit in paying for some groceries.

My parents did ask for small amount of money when we were living at their place since the hard reality they are low income folks.

But anyway, Kate sounds like you're learning lots where you are.

As a slight segue from thread, since we have been talking about young men, may I offer a situation of an adult woman:

She is semi-close friend I've known since teens. She is my age...yes 50.

She is single, childless and during this whole time she has lived under her parents' roof in the same town where she grew up. Actually her mother died in car accident when friend was in late 20's. But way before that, when friend was 18, her elder sister drowned while vacationing in Acapulco. It was a terrible tragedy which many students at our high school mourned because dead sister was very bright, popular,etc. Death of her sister had a powerful negative impact on family for many years thereafter.

I believe my friend has lived in her parents' home all these DECADES, because she probably feels tremendous responsibility to be around.. I know friend does contribute to family household, since I've been with her where she is giving groceries to father (who is in excellent health at 80+).

over the years, I've suggested it is best she get her own place close to parent's place. But never really asked much there, because after all, I've never lost a sister at a young age due to sudden tragedy.

So this example is not necessarily culturally based since she is born in Canada like myself, nor financial but because of unique family situations.

She is semi-close friend, because she and I have life's paths that have diverged alot after we each turned 21 yrs. So we enjoy each other's company whenever she and I get together but there is a natural life experience barrier that our friendship can't surmount. But that's ok. I ask nothing more from her but good friendship.

Sorry for this topic hijack. But it fits under "parental home" living, as a daughter.

_________________________ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)