My heart is overflowed with emotion from all the prayers and good thoughts and wishes as well as advice from all of my boomer sisters. I felt your prayers and love coming through. Thank you all for being loving, caring family.

My sister in Illinois is doing great. The triple bypass open heart surgery went very well. She's been moved to a regular room with thought of possibly going home today or tomorrow. I hope they wait till tomorrow. She's up walking about, eating and has all the tubes out. She only has a catheter and IV in her now. She's a trouper. Your prayers helped so much.

My twin sister is doing okay. Yes the change in doctors has helped. She's getting another set of blood labs done tomorrow. She has another appointment with the doc today. He did say there is the possibility of having to do another surgery because the infection is in the top and underneath of the mesh that was put in. They are giving her IV meds to see if it helps before any decisions are made. She'd feel much better if the nurse tech could get the wound vac to work for an extended period of time. It works for about 10 hours then stops. So, I have to take it off her and do a wet/dry dressing. I feel so bad for her. It's frustrating for me because it's time consuming and I worry for her.

So, your prayers are so very welcome and I can't thank you enough. They are the best kind of help. So thanks again to all of you beautiful, wonderful sisters. I love you all.
"Kaleidoscope Memories: Childhood Stories That Celebrate Family Life" - 2008